Panoramas et synthèses, n° 53. Advanced topics in random matrices

Panoramas et synthèses, n° 53. Advanced topics in random matrices

Date de parution : 19/04/2018

Quatrième de couverture :

This book provides three accessible panoramas and syntheses on advanced topics in random matrix theory : (1) local semicircle law for Wigner matrices, and applications to eigenvectors delocalization, rigidity of eigenvalues, and fourth moment theorem ; (2) spectrum of random graphs, recent advances on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and open problems ; (3) deformed random matrices and free probability, unified understanding of various asymptotic phenomena such as spectral measure description, localization and fluctuations of extremal eigenvalues, eigenvectors behavior.

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Ean : 9782856298503
Rayon(s) statistiques
Format et Reliure : Revue
Hauteur : 24.0 cm
Largeur : 18.0 cm
Epaisseur : 1.1 cm