What is the future of cancer research ? : clinical research challenges in Europe

What is the future of cancer research ? : clinical research challenges in Europe

Auteur(s) Françoise Meunier (Auteur)
Date de parution : 10/10/2014
Collection(s) Pocket book academy

Quatrième de couverture :

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Europe after cardiovascular diseases. Each year, nearly 3,5 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed in the EU countries out of which more than 1,5 million deaths. Facing this significant number, investment in clinical cancer research remains crucial.

It is with this perspective in mind that the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) was founded in the early '60s to provide patients with the best treatments. Today, the organization still remains at the forefront of clinical cancer research.

Explaining basic and clinical research, the challenges, patient information and rights, the role of the EORTC and research perspectives, these are all topics that this small but dense book attempts to synthesize. Ultimately, this book is aimed at all those directly or indirectly related to this serious disease, patients, economic and political decision-makers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and of course, physicians.

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Ean : 9782803104185
Rayon(s) cancérologie
Format et Reliure : Livre
Pages : 107
Hauteur : 18.0 cm
Largeur : 11.0 cm
Epaisseur : 0.9 cm